Know the likelihood of customers and employees recommending your center.

Using various indicators and satisfaction measurement tools, data is collected to assess the willingness of customers and employees to recommend your gym, providing valuable insights to create a more positive and productive environment.

nps dashboard
Una mujer sonriente en una recepción de gimnasio, sosteniendo una botella de agua azul y su teléfono móvil, mientras habla con otra persona al otro lado del mostrador. El ambiente es moderno y luminoso, con detalles del gimnasio en el fondo.

Measure members, and also employees’ satisfaction

Our AI ANNA is trained by experts with extensive experience in fitness management and will provide you with all her knowledge through suggestions and alerts.

Predict how many would recommend your gym.

ANNA can generate predictions and comparisons based on your center's data to help you with decision-making.

Dos mujeres mayores sonrientes en un gimnasio, vestidas con ropa deportiva azul. Una de ellas sostiene una botella de agua y la otra lleva una toalla sobre el hombro. Están de pie juntas en un entorno de gimnasio con balones de ejercicio de colores en el fondo.
gráfico de satisfacción
Mujer joven sonriente en un gimnasio, apoyada en una barra de pesas con una toalla blanca alrededor de su cuello y sosteniendo un teléfono móvil. El entorno es un área de entrenamiento con equipos de musculación visibles en el fondo.
Surveillance 24/7
Watch out! The pace in Revenues you have this month is too low to achieve the monthly goal. You have €26,224 so far and the target is €30,000 in total revenues..
Attrition rate
Compared to the industry your Attrition rate is not good. You have room for improvement. Let's go!
Attrition rate
You have a good acquisition rate (5.67%) for the industry (5.09%), the room for improvement is possible although not of great magnitude.

Receive action suggestions to improve your NPS.

Through collecting, centralizing, and managing your data, ANNA, your AI assistant, can create and enhace actions to increase the NPS score at your club.


Understand the satisfaction level of your customers and employees

Knowing the satisfaction level in your center anonymously is key to retaining customers and employees

Generate actions to retain members.

Through data and the KPIs, your virtual assistant ANNA, can create powerful actions.

Improve customer retention and social environment

Through knowledge and automated actions, you can improve social environment in your club and the retention of customers and employees.

Proven Real-World Results.

*Case study based on a multi-service fitness club with 1,500 users

Churn rate
+6 months
Customer lifespan
Lifetime value (LTV)
Lead Conversion Rate
Revenue per membership
Staff hours saved
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FitnessKPI Blog

On our FitnessKPI blog, you will discover useful tips on how to manage a gym, the most important KPIs in the fitness world, fitness industry trends, technology, and much more.

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Pablo Viñaspre
June 6, 2024
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